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Helping Individuals Live in Their Communities
Population served: Adults with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities or impairments as determined by psychological and as approved through the MCO.
Settings:These services occur in individual homes, apartments, or other community residential settings. Homes are usually owned or leased by the individual served.
Hours of Service: These services occur in individual homes, apartments, or other community residential settings. Homes are usually owned or leased by the individual served.
Days of Service: These services occur in individual homes, apartments, or other community residential settings. Homes are usually owned or leased by the individual served.
Frequency of Services: As needed based on the individuals needs and person centered support plan.
Payer Sources: Medicaid and MCO Funding.
Fees: As approved by the MCO
Referral Sources: Anyone or any agency can make a referral for service by calling the appropriate regional contact. The regional contact will discuss the needs of the individual and available services within the area. If services are available in the area a meeting will take place to discuss needs and details of the service. The MCO does have to approve the referral for funding and prior to start of service.
9. Specific Services Offered:Innovations Supported Living Supports (all levels). Depending on the needs of the individual medication management or medication monitoring may be provided at supported living homes. Medication management services- includes the practices of assisting with management of medications that may include all aspects of medication administration including removing medications from their dispensed package, assisting with measuring liquids, giving injections, suppository, or PRN medications, and ensuring safe medication storage. Medication monitoring services-which includes the practice of providing secure storage areas and controlled access for medications that are brought into a program and used by the individuals served who do not need assistance with medication administration from staff.
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